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Explore latest developments in Knowledge Process Outsourcing, Legal Process Outsourcing and Clinical Research Outsourcing across Asia

Outsourcing Asia Summit 2009: 18th, 19th & 20th February 2009, Singapore

Singapore (November 19, 2008) / — More than ever, organisations are under strong pressure to shed cost centres through outsourcing to Asia: Current credit crunch, new entrants, the deployment of next generation technologies to deliver even more sophisticated services and price deterioration are just a few reasons for the integration of outsourcing into their business strategies. While IT and Business Process outsourcing have already been widely adopted by market players globally, Knowledge Process Outsourcing, Legal Process Outsourcing and Clinical Research Outsourcing have only recently taken off. The Ahrals Outsourcing Asia Summit 2009 will provide a platform for discussion with experienced pioneers and early adopters.

Before reaping immense operational and financial benefits, professionals involved in the process must master the risks and complexities of outsourcing. Having lost most of its negative connotations, outsourcing to Asia can now be discussed more frankly from different angles and perspectives: the challenges of partnership choice, the perfect outsourcing agreement, HR change management and the resolution of post-contractual conflicts will all be addressed in depth at pre-conference workshop jointly conducted by Peter Brudenall, Partner of Hunton & Williams, London, United Kingdom and Pradeep K. Mukherji, President & Managing Partner, Avasant (formerly Stradling Global Sourcing), India.

In a case study driven and industry specific approach, leading market players and solution providers across Asia will give insight into how outsourcing partnerships can provide sustainable competitive advantages in today's dynamic business environment.

Attend this deeply researched and well convened event to network with your peers and to hear best-practices in KPO, LPO and CRO so you can realize the benefits of outsourcing through streamlining operations, focusing on core competencies and optimizing business functions. 

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