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Riding Out the Current Downturn with Process Efficiencies & Immediate Bottom Line Savings Through Effective Supply Chain Control

Singapore (March 05, 2009) / — With the current economic downturn leading to supply chain disruption and the potential liquidation of key suppliers, optimising the supply chain becomes extremely vital. The Asian culture can be a major barrier in enhancing procurement, sourcing and contracts management particularly in the areas of governance and transparency. Asian companies are now finding ways to pursue a pragmatic spend management discipline across their organisations. With most of the expenditure incurred into various categories of direct and indirect materials and services, including outsourcing, savings generated along these items will significantly improve the bottom line.

To advance your supply chain into a value chain for competitive advantage, Pacific Conferences has organised this 2-day practical workshop on "Strategic Sourcing in Asia", held on 11 - 12 May 2009 in Singapore and 14 - 15 May 2009 in Hong Kong. This workshop acts as a strong, neutral enabler for companies to embrace best practices of category sourcing. The workshop leaders, Charlie and Mark, both seasoned procurement experts, will build the business case for strategic sourcing and show you how to address spend categories and suppliers through proper strategic sourcing processes and methodologies. They will also help to strengthen your organisation's supply market intelligence, category profiling, sourcing approach and supplier portfolio and selection. Illustrated with case examples from the Oil and Gas, Pharmaceutical and Transportation industries, learn how to implement a sustainable sourcing programme throughout your company's spend lifecycle. Attend this leading-edge course to capture and apply the best practices in strategic sourcing!

Title: "Strategic Sourcing in Asia" Workshop
Dates: 11 - 12 May 2009 / 14 - 15 May 2009
Venue: Holiday Inn Atrium, Singapore / The Excelsior, Hong Kong

For more information, please visit or contact Ms Lorraine Tiang at +65 6372 2201 or email

About Pacific Conferences

Pacific Conferences specialises in organising business conferences aimed at providing interactive, insightful information and analysis about issues facing businesses in Asia-Pacific. Our conferences are developed through thorough research and a deep understanding of the critical concerns facing industry professionals. They are addressed by experts and leaders who have deep knowledge and practical experiences in their respective areas.

  • Valerie Low (Ms)
    Conference Marketing Executive
    Tel: +65 6372 2216

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