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Companies Getting Ready for the Retail Asia Expo & Congress 2009

Hong Kong, China (May 12, 2009) / — A major new event for Asia Pacific's retail market, Retail Asia Expo & Congress 2009 will be held at the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre from June 24 to 26th. It expects an attendance of over 10,000 of the most powerful and influential retailers, brand directors, advertising agencies, architects and designers from Hong Kong, Macau, China and other important commercial centres in Asia Pacific. The Advisory Committee for this event who have already given it their support, encouragement and ideas are:

Caroline Mak, Group Specialty Retail Director, Dairy Farm Group
Alessandra Piovesana, Regional Managing Director, Nuance-Watson
Jennifer Woo, Managing Director, Lane Crawford Hong Kong
David Hong, Managing Director, The Swank
Alessandro Paparelli, Regional HR Director, Ferragamo Hong Kong
Winston Chow, Director and Deputy General Manager, Chow Sang Sang
Gary Ng, General Manager and Director, Fortress
Todd Hartwell, Regional Financial Controller, Guerlain
Graeme Fowler, Visual Merchandising Director, DFS Asia Group
William Fu, Deputy Managing Director, YGM Trading Ltd
Francis Gouten, Former CEO, Richemont Asia Pacific, Gouten Consulting
Karim Azar, Assistant General Manager, Retail Leasing, IFC
Nic Banks, Founder and Managing Director, Atelier Pacific
Morgan Parker, President, Taubman
Joanne Davis, Former Deputy MD of HKCEC and Director of London Fashion Week
Douglas Young, CEO, G.O.D.

The event comprises a high level CONGRESS together with two exhibitions – RETAIL DESIGN & IN-STORE MARKETING EXPO and RETAIL TECHNOLOGY EXPO. The first congress took place on its own last year in July in Hong Kong to general acclaim. The two elements of technology and design are vital to retail success and become even more so in tough economic times where attracting and keeping customers in shops and increasing operational efficiencies and reducing costs are essential for survival.

Notes to the Editor:

Retail Asia Expo & Congress 2009 is organised by Diversified Events Hong Kong, in partnership with Beacon Events Ltd.

For further information or to interview Mr. Bednall, Chief Operating Officer, please Contact:
Xiao Guo, Marketing Manager: +852 3105 3975


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