Categories: English

CSR-Mart 2009 Successfully Held In Shanghai

Shanghai, China (June 29, 2009) / — Today Hurun Report and co-organiser ammado held the first CSR-Mart™ event in Shanghai, the leading B2B matchmaking event for CSR and not for profit specialists.

Senior decision makers from 56 companies, charities and social ventures participated in the event. During the day each participant was given up to twelve 20 minute meetings, giving them the opportunity to discuss partnership opportunities, share experiences and identify possible synergies. Participants included Baidu, Wal-mart, HSBC, Citibank, Tiffany, Clearworld Energy, WWF, Amity Foundation, Narada Foundation, Roots & Shoots, Surmang / Amara, FCA.

The event kicked off in the morning with a welcome speech by Hurun Report CEO Rupert Hoogewerf and a keynote speech by ammado Head of Global Strategy Terry Farris. The CSR-Mart started shortly after; in addition to the scheduled appointments coffee breaks and lunch provided plenty of opportunities for networking.

Following the CSR-Mart a press conference was held to mark the release of the 'Hurun Corporate Social Responsibility Top Fifty 2009' and the 'Hurun Most Valuable Chinese Brands List 2009'.

"The Wenchuan Earthquake has been a turning point for CSR in China," says Rupert Hoogewerf, CEO of Hurun Report. "Brands realise now the value of a good CSR programme, not because it is a nice thing to do, but because it is good for their business."

A short 2 hour conference on Brands with Responsibility began in the late afternoon with two discussion panels chaired by Yuan Yue Chairman of Horizon and MC of 'Brainstorm', panel one was charity focused with speakers from Baidu, Tencent and ammado. Panel two was corporate focused with speakers from Amway, HSBC and China Development Bank. Topics discussed were: The relationship between CSR and Brand Building and Building the brand in the future.

The grand finale was the highly anticipated result of the 100,000RMB donation and the prize draw. Clearworld Energy offered to donate 100,000RMB to one charity and after much deliberation they chose to donate the money to Humana People to People China. They also announced that they would like to establish a long term partnership with the charity Friends of Rural Community Development. Lucky draw prizes were a limited edition 10th CRL issue signed by Rupert Hoogewerf, a bottle of Dewar's wine worth 3,200RMB and a gift voucher for the Renaissance Shanghai Yuyuan Hotel's Executive Suite worth 5,000RMB. The Renaissance Shanghai prize was won by Grace Chen of the Narada Foundation and the General Manager of the hotel also gave her a spa voucher.

Hurun Report would like to thank their sponsors Baidu and Dewar's.

Hurun Report would like to thank their partners' ammado, CSR & Company, and NPI.

About Hurun Report
Nobody Knows China's Rich Better!

Hurun Report Inc is a leading publishing group based in Shanghai, China, comprising a luxury monthly magazine, the Hurun Report, The Hurun Research Institute and an active business events division targeting China's entrepreneurs and high net worth individuals.

Hurun Report magazine is published monthly with a proven circulation of 90,000 targeting China's wealthy elite and is widely recognized as the Mainland's foremost authority in tracking the rapid changes and trends amongst China's high net worth individuals.

Founded in 1999, the flagship is the annual Hurun Rich List published each October, considered the bible of wealth and a de-facto 'Who's Who' of Chinese business.

Throughout the year, Hurun Report also publishes the Hurun Philanthropy List (May) ranking the charitable donations of China's most generous, the Hurun Art List (Mar) ranking China's Top 50 living artists by the sales at public auction of their works in the previous year, the Hurun Best of the Best (Jan) which ranks the leading luxury brands in China and the Hurun Wealth Report (April) detailing the number of millionaires in China, broken down by region.

Hurun Report Inc also publishes a series of six other magazines focusing on the special interests of China's wealthy, notably the Schools Guide, Polo/Equestrian, Luxury Property, Watches, New Year Gifts and Luxury Travel.

For further details about the full portfolio of Hurun publications and business activities and events, see – the website of choice for the gatekeepers of China's wealthy elite.


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