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Market Tested Methods for Managing Your Channels and Generating Sustainable Growth Through Partners

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (August 07, 2009) / — This workshop will change the way you look at the channel. Each session will present a conceptual model for examining the issues and explore the contributing factors to the problems facing business executives and decision makers. The course will provide the information and the tools to enable you to address tomorrow's problems like a true Channel Professional. UNI Strategic is proudly to organize The Channel Professional workshop, which will be held on Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 28th to 29th September 2009.

A recognised expert in business development and operations, the course facilitator has managed groundbreaking projects that have launched scores of channels, products, divisions and companies. Focusing on channel development and sales force productivity, the course facilitator has successfully completed over 1,000 consulting projects impacting billions in incremental channel revenue for leading technology and telecommunications companies around the world.

As President of MSI Consulting Group, which under his leadership grew into the leading channel consulting firm in the United States, the course facilitator was responsible for financial operations, the budget for the company's IT group – a sophisticated and integral component of MSI's business, the consulting and research groups and corporate sales.

The course facilitator has written for numerous channel and industry publications such as CRN and PCWeek and has been a featured speaker at Comdex and other industry events. He also has written and published several ground breaking channel-marketing studies and reports on the VAR/Systems Integrator channel, the Distributor channel, the ISV channel, the ISP/SP channel and the Retail channel.

The course facilitator co-authored The Channel MBA, an executive sales course, as a joint venture project. They have delivered this course in over 40 countries to over 10,000 sales executives. Over the last 10 years, the course facilitator has worked on sales force development projects in China, Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and India.

About UNI Strategic Pte Ltd.
Universal Network Intelligence (UNI Strategic) is the regional leader in providing strategic business intelligence through all our premium events in Asia Pacific, Middle East, Africa; Singapore, Hong Kong, Beijing, Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, Bangkok, Seoul, Dubai, Egypt, Johannesburg and Qatar. UNI's commitment to present events of absolutely the highest calibre, in addition to providing unsurpassed client service, is the basis for our exceptional regional reputation. Our events continually draw participation from majority of the region's Fortune 500 companies.

  • Lee Hui Ru (Ms)
    Marketing Executive
    20 Science Park Road,
    #01-26/30, TeleTech Park,
    Singapore Science Park II, Singapore 117674
    Telephone: (65) 6825 9630
    Facsimile: (65) 6776 2120

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