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Green Ships and Offshore Engineering are on the Agenda at World Shipbuilding Summit 2010

Shanghai, China (October 26, 2009) / — Embracing the theme of "Building Green Hi-tech Ships, Lightening Revitalizing Roads for World Shipbuilding", the 2nd World Shipbuilding Summit 2010 will be held by JFPS Group on March 25-26, 2010, in Shanghai. The shipbuilding summit will attract 300+ Senior executives from shipyards, ship-owners, ship management companies, and the classification society.

Hot issues at the event are:
– Updating the latest governmental support policy from China's governmental institutes.
– Analyzing the shipping industry development trends from 3 parts: China's export and import, shipping industry in Europe, and ship-owners of oil tanker, bulk and container.
– Promoting the green ships and safe shipbuilding from green design, material selection, process technology, welding technology to coating technology.
– Discussing about key technologies of core parts during the whole process of designing and constructing offshore engineering equipments.

The 40 honorable speakers are coming from:
Shipyards: China State Shipbuilding, Jiangnan Shipyard, China Shipbuilding Industry, Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding, New Century Shipbuilding Corporation (NCSC), Jurong Shipyard, Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering, Kawasaki Heavy Industries…
Ship-owners: IMC, MST, Riverlake Shipping SA, Maersk, Leonhardt & Blumberg, China Shipping (Group) Company, HOSCO Group, Offshore Oil Engineering Co., Ltd…
Research Institute: China Shipbuilding Economy Research Center, China Shipbuilding Economy Research Center…

For more information, please visit


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