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Beijing's Cross-cultural Business Negotiation Event Strategic B2B Negotiation Skills Opening in January

Uphold your development strategy of global partnership from the desktop

Beijing, China (November 04, 2009) / — How have you been negotiating? They are playing the negotiation game on you right now. If you are not aware of negotiation principles, you are costing your company millions of dollars in lost opportunities.

As Chinese economy shines on the stage, more and more global mergers and acquisition emerging in the regions, the 2010's 1st cross-cultural negotiation workshop entitled Strategic B2B Negotiation Skills, will take place at Swissotel Beijing Hong Kong Macau Center, Beijing, china on 25-26, January, 2010, will be led by the master G K Lim, to help forward-thinking professionals to understand and grasp principles of business negotiation that they can use to create a competitive edge for businesses against a globalization background.

Given the features of a real cross-cultural discussion situation, Asian business focused and 40% expert lecture plus 60% audience role-play mode, the event turns a unique gathering and platform, which will facilitate senior executives' business skills essential to organizational business expansion in a highly cost-effective way. By the end of the session, participants would understand principles of business negotiation that they can use to create a competitive edge for themselves and their organizations. Senior executive and professionals, who are getting involved into oversea expansion, would be able to prepare, plan, develop and execute appropriate strategies in business negotiation on the desktop for global competition and cooperation.

At the event, participants will receive a comprehensive fact-filled workshop-manual-cum-resource-book for easy on-the-job reference. It's the 1st time in China mainland the cross-cultural workshop is led by the international academician and practitioner, G K Lim, who had consulting and training experience in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Vietnam, India, Sri Lanka, Maldives, United Arab Emirates, and China, by serving premier brands.

By elaborating the original motivation of conducting this international event in China, G K Lim judged, "in view of facts, local giants get involved into global competition and cooperation in the world through, either direct purchase from established MNCs, like Lenovo, Sinopec Group, Yanzhou Coal Mine, Chinalco, Chery Automobile, or expanding business oversea, such as Huawei, Haier, Sany, BYD Auto, China Merchants Bank, etc, domestic leading players have recognized that solid business management skills are fundamental to operational performance, and cross-cultural business negotiation is one of the important. To fill up the gap, practitioners of corporate learning in Asia shall pay more attention in the fields."

Strategic B2B Negotiation Skilss, Beijing is organized by LinLead Consultancy, More details on

  • Marketing Head
    Mr. Steven Li
    DID: +86 10 8571 1149
    Main: +86 10 8571 1440
    Fax: +86 10 8571 1149
    Mobile: +86 139 102 54507

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