Categories: English

U-Tron At 2009 China International Lights Exhibition In Beijing

Beijing based high-tech company to display new additions to its popular range of LED lighting solutions.

Beijing, China (December 16, 2009) / — U-Tron (Beijing) Electronics Co. Ltd will be attending the 2009 China International Road Lamp Patio Lamp & Outdoor Lights Exhibition which is to be held in Beijing Agriculture Exhibition Center from 2009 December 16 to December 18, 2009.

U-Tron will be on stand A181 of the exhibition, and will be displaying new versions of its existing range of LED based lighting solutions. On display will be U-Tron's Lucus LED street lights, BatLED flood lights SoLED solar powered lights, UFO down-lighters, and LED Ranger stand-by lights. In addition U-Tron will also be displaying its Venus range of small down-lighters

U-Tron technical staff will be on hand throughout the exhibition to demonstrate how the company's LED-based products provide environmentally friendly solutions for a wide range of lighting requirements, with reduced energy requirements, a higher quality of illumination and a lower total cost of ownership.

To find out more about U-Tron's attendance at the 2009 China International Road Lamp Patio Lamp & Outdoor Lights Exhibition and for an invitation to the exhibition please call David or Chen Chen on: +86 (010) 6568 2990 or e-mail

About U-Tron
U-Tron (Beijing) Electronics Co. Ltd., was established in 1992 as a WOFE in Beijing, China. The company was 100% funded by investments from an American Company, China Business Associates. The main purpose was to bring U.S. developed technology products to China for manufacturing and localization. U-Tron has an 1,800 square meter factory employing 50 + people in the Beijing Development Area (BDA) of Yi Zhuang district.

  • For more information contact:
    Raja Magasweran e-mail
    For more information about the 2009 China International Road Lamp Patio Lamp & Outdoor Lights Exhibition please visit

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