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Hotel Facilities And Service First Priority For Bookers In China

Michael MaMichael Ma is from CB Richard Ellis, Beijing, where he is the manager of the company's asset service department.

China Hospitality News is committed to offering the most comprehensive reports on China's tourism industry with the object of providing the latest industry news to buyers both at home and abroad. What do you think of our products? Which columns interested you most and why?
China Hospitality News features rich information and extensive coverage, with the latest tourism happenings always published in a timely manner in the magazine.

In terms of my work, I am mostly interested in Hotel Information, Booker Opinion, New Appointments, and Hotel Promotions.

The Hotel Information column covers a lot of information of China's hotel industry including hotel development trends, the expansion plans of branded hotels and introductions to the facilities and services of newly opened hotels so readers can quickly learn about what's happening in the hotel industry. The Booker Opinion, Hotel Promotions, and New Appointments columns keep readers abreast of the last information on hotel buyers and sellers. This offers me more options in choosing hotels and can serve as a reference for me.

We have launched a China MICE hotel meetings facilities search website,, for meeting organizers. What do you think of this website? Do you have any suggestions to make about it? Would you consider using this product when choosing a meeting venue for your company?
With comprehensive search functions the 51MICE website caters to buyers' demands for information, especially meeting information such how the tables and seats can be arranged. The meeting buyer budget search on the website suits buyers' needs. I will consider using the website in the future.

What are your criteria for choosing a hotel or meeting venue? Which elements are most attractive to you when you choose a hotel or meeting venue?
Convenient transportation and parking, complete meeting facilities, featured food services, quiet and clean accommodation, ands recreational facilities that work well are all important, but I value the facilities and service of a hotel most.

Which domestic hotels do you most often choose for your events? Please cite a few of them as examples.
Due to the large size of our company, each year we hold many meetings in different cities across China. For our company's annual meeting, we will choose a hotel that has comprehensive meeting facilities and whose meeting space is adjustable. Shangri-La's Kerry Centre Hotel Beijing is one of these hotels. If the meeting is held in cities other than Beijing, we will usually choose a star-rated hotel that features complete meeting facilities and convenient transportation based on the actual situation of the city, such as Shangri-La Hotel, Huhhot; Inner Mongolia Jinjiang International Hotel; and Hilton Hefei.

Which hotels have impressed you most and why?
Shangri-La's Kerry Centre Hotel Beijing, the staff of the hotel dress in style and are not dull; The St. Regis Beijing. The hotel's lobby is elegantly and gracefully decorated.

The White Swan Hotel in Guangzhou provides considerate service and is a good choice for taking a rest. There is always a staff-member stationed at the elevator hall of each floor of the hotel who will say hello to guests whenever they see them. This is for politeness on the one hand, but on the other hand, it shows the hotel's consideration to guests' activities, since, after the guest leaves, the staff will quickly go to the guest's room to tidy up the room and replace the towels or other bathroom ammenities things for them immediately.

Hilton Hefei — we frequently hold our annual meetings in this hotel. The hotel building is splendid. Its lobby is decorated in a modern style and its meeting facilities are new. The hotel uses famous brand cleaning tools. Choosing this hotel for our meeting events is in line with our corporate image.

What unpleasant experiences have you encountered in cooperating and communicating with hotels? Why did it make you feel unpleasant?
To save energy, some hotels only allow customers to turn on the air-conditioners one hour in advance of a meeting, which makes the room very hot during the meeting preparation period and even after the meeting begins.

Through which channels do you select hotels or venues for your company events?
Through the Internet, learning from friends' experience, and from on-spot inspection.

What do you think of the relationship between travel and style? Which domestic hotels have impressed you with stylish facilities?
Travel is not entirely fashion. Some travelers like natural landscapes while others prefer cultural scenery. Traditional natural scenery is not fashionable, but fashion can be integrated into them. Hotels should update and adjust their services and facilities according to clients' demand and market changes. Shangri-La's Kerry Centre Hotel Beijing's staff members dress fashionably. The hotel puts fragrance in the air-conditioning of its lobby and this makes guests feel good.

Can you please recommend some travel destinations to our readers?
Zhangjiajie in west Hunan.

What are your hobbies and which types of travel do you like?
I like natural scenery and I prefer to travel FIT when I have enough time.

Do you have any plans for traveling in the coming months?
I plan to go to Hong Kong and Macau.


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