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Traveling To Chongqing For Golf

Peter M. BallPeter Ball is the director of instruction for Nicklaus Academies China. He is responsible for the training of golf instructors at the National Training Centre in Beijing as a well as the golf instruction at Nicklaus Academies in China.

Besides China, he has worked in other Asian countries, including Korea, as well as the USA, Australia, and Europe. His leisure travel frequently takes him to South Africa and to Ireland, his native country.

How frequently do you travel in China?
Between 24 and 30 times a year.

Which Chinese city do you visit the most?


What impresses you most about this city?

The excellent golf facilities near the city.

Who chooses the hotels that you stay at in China?
The administration staff of my office in Beijing.

Which hotel in China has impressed you the most?
The Hilton Chongqing.

How would you rate the hotel on a scale of 1 (very poor) to 5 (outstanding)?

What particularly impressed you about this hotel?
The friendliness of the staff, in every department and at every level, from the reception to the people that clean the guestrooms.

Please rate the following factors, on a scale of 1 (very poor) to 5 (outstanding), for the hotel you chose in 5 above.

Hotel brand ++++
Location +++++
Room reservation service +++++
Price +++
Reception service +++++
Concierge Service +++++
Hotel security (hardware and security) ++++
Elevator (size and speed) +++++
Convenience of transportation to and from the hotel +++
Hotel services +++++
Dining (the number of restaurants/ dishes/price/service) +++++
Spa and gymnasium NA*
Surrounding environment +++

* I have not tried the spa or gymnasium.

Please comment on any features of the hotel that you thought were particularly noteworthy.
Overall the hotel is extremely comfortable, with exceptionally friendly and helpful staff. The breakfast buffet is probably the best of any hotel I have stayed in.

Please comment on any issues that you believe the hotel management should address.
Internet access is good and the connection is fast, however there is a charge for using it. I have noticed that in hotels in some other cities the norm now is to provide Internet access at no charge. The wine in the hotel's bars and restaurants is rather expensive.

What class of guestroom did you stay in?

Please rate the following features of the guestroom on a scale of 1 (very poor) to 5 (Outstanding).

Door lock (magnetic card/metal key) +++
Air conditioner (noise and efficiency) ++++
Power points ++++
Ventilation system ++++
Closet/ clothes rack ++++
Towels / bath robes +++++
Internet access ** ++++
Safe ++++
Shower and/or bath tub +++++
Lighting ++++
Turndown service +++++
General noise level in the room ++
Aspect of the room (e.g. view, natural light, etc.) ++++
Room size +++++
Quality of TV ++++
Number and type of TV channels +++++
Newspaper On request.
Bed and bedding +++++
Bathroom amenities +++++
Mini bar +++
Workstation ++++
Decoration of the room ++++
Cleanliness +++++
Room service +++++

** Internet charges CNY50 an hour or CNY120 per day

Please comment on any room features that you thought were particularly noteworthy.
The bed is outstandingly comfortable.

How would you rate the leisure facilities in the general area of the hotel on a scale of 1 (non-existent) to 5 (outstanding or a very wide choice)?

Restaurants +++
Bars / night clubs +++
Shopping venues +++
Historic or scenic spots ++++
Cultural or folkloric events NA
Golf +++++
Other recreational facilities: River cruises +++++

Are there any particular leisure facilities that you would recommend?
The Kingrun golf course. It is a Nicklaus designed course and boasts the Nicklaus Academy (the first in China).

Do you have any hints for travelers to Chongqing?

Getting a taxi in the city is often a problem. The hotel staff do their very best to get taxis for the hotel guests, but visitors should allow extra time when scheduling meetings to allow for this.


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