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Wirtgen China Will Help To Cut Demolition Waste Onsite

Recycling Of Demolition Waste, Demolished Concrete, And Spoil Onsite Cuts Material Costs And Carbon Emissions

Beijing, China (February 10, 2010) / — Germany-based Wirtgen Group is to introduce onsite-recycling technology developed by its Kleemann GmbH subsidiary into China when it will be showcased in China at Bauma China in Shanghai in November 2010.

Kleemann GmbH recycling plants take demolition waste, demolished concrete, and spoil and convert into high-quality aggregate for the construction industry. By recycling demolition waste onsite the process can dramatically reduce the amount of energy and CO2 emissions required in hauling material away from a demolition site. And instead of demolition waste ending up in land-fill or being used as low grade hardcore it can be used as aggregate for the next building project on that site: thus reducing material costs and the need to extract fresh aggregate by quarrying.

The core of the process is a Kleemann impact crusher which is fed with demolition material that has been screened for size with large particles (more than 60mm grain size) being fed into the crusher while smaller particles are put aside for further processing. The crushed aggregate is then separated at 20 mm, 40 mm and 100 mm sizes, and is then cleaned from light materials. The ferrous metals contained in the demolition waste and demolished concrete are then removed by electromagnets and go for recycling in steel plants. The recycled product can then be used in the next building project on the same site.

And example of this technology in action Europe's largest recycling plant is located in the vicinity of Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport. The turnkey plant was designed and built by Kleemann for processing demolition waste, demolished concrete and asphalt into high-quality aggregate for the construction industry. It includes, among other units, Kleemann's largest impact crusher model SHB 20/160. The recycling plant has a feed capacity of up to 700 tons of material per hour. One year of planning, construction and assembly was needed before the new recycling plant was put into operation. To protect the environment from dust and noise, the entire plant was enclosed with a trapezoidal panel construction.

The recycled product is upgraded with natural sand and cement to a hydraulically bound base layer, and is presently used for soil stabilization at Schiphol Airport.

About the Wirtgen Group
The Wirtgen Group is an internationally operating group of companies in the construction machinery sector incorporating four traditional brands: Wirtgen, Vogele, Hamm, and Kleemann. As a technological leader, they offer their customers mobile machine solutions for road construction and road rehabilitation, as well as for mining and processing minerals.

The Wirtgen Group has been present in China for more than 20 years and, since 2004, has operated an assembly factory in Langfang, Hebei Province. With more than nine branches and 200 employees, Wirtgen China are always close to their customers.

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