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OrangeScape And Other Telecom And Cloud Computing Champions To Present At Mobile Cloud Computing ASIA 2010

Telecom champions open doors to cloud mobility in the APAC.

Singapore (June 18, 2010) / — Telecoms and IT industry professionals from the likes of Google, Microsoft, Ashnik, ROBI (AXIATA), MTS, Metanoia Partners and Amazon Web Services will be heading down to Singapore this July to make key lectures and workshops on Mobile Cloud Computing ASIA 2010. The three-day event is entirely dedicated to the emerging mobile cloud markets, application service providers, OEMs, ISPs, Mobile Network Operators, Platform as a Service Providers, Mobility as a Service Providers. This event in Singapore, 14-15 July, will bring together CEO's and directors from major operators in the region.

Known as MCCA 2010, the opening-day event will see keynote speakers from the likes of Ashnik, MTS India and Mobilink Pakistan. Today organisers have added two new names to the list – Cloudshield Technologies and vCirrus Australia.

Industry professionals from Orange Scape will come to Singapore on July 13th to lead the Pre-Conference Workshop in collaboration with Google, Microsoft and Amazon Web Services. The workshop's focus is on Cloud Utilisation in Creating Next Generation Mobile Applications. Meanwhile, Google's Radjeep Dua will be in attendance to discuss the Google App Engine.

"MCCA is aimed at a variety of people – telco's view into the Convergence of Mobility and Cloud Computing, infrastructure web services platform provider will present on how to move your Cloud-Based Services Business from Concept to reality, and those interested to know the Global Brands who are already ahead in the Mobile cloud Computing space," said event Director Steven Aung.

To find out more about the comprehensive list of MCCA speakers, visit

About OrangeScape:
OrangeScape is ideal for building process oriented business applications. With OrangeScape, you will start your application development with OrangeScape Studio. The Studio has 4 perspectives: Model design, Form design, Workflow design, and Action design. For more info:

About Neoedge:
Neoedge is a business media company that aims to serve the corporate world with integrity and excellence by providing cutting edge business intelligences and creating high value networking opportunities.

  • Eugene Azucena
    Tel: +65 6557 9185

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