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Managing A Mix Of Cultures In The Chongqing Hilton

Jean-Philippe Jacopin, the general manager of the Hilton Chongqing and Chongqing Nanshan Resort & Spa, is a veteran hotelier with more than 25 years' experience in the hospitality industry. He joined the Hilton group in 1990 as a food and beverage management trainee at the Noga Hilton Geneva, has a Swiss Hotel Industry Masters, and is a graduate from Cornell University's School of Hotel Administration in the USA.

What are your thoughts on the development opportunities for Chongqing's hospitality market?
The recent "Go West" program encouraging the growth of the industries in the inland western and central regions of China has designated Chongqing as the core city of this vast project. The Liangjing new area was established in June 2010 and is the third new area of its kind and the only one in inland China. There is no doubt that with the fast pace of the development and city expansion, Chongqing will soon catch up with the already developed and international cities in China.

More and more international companies have their eyes set on Chongqing and follow its trend as there is a growing interest in setting up companies' headquarters or subsidiaries offices here.

Internationalization is growing fast with a even faster developing domestic and international tourism. I am certain that soon more leisure travelers will also choose Chongqing as a basic stay destination to then branch into the neighboring areas as its central location allows fast access to different centers of interest. Also, several significant international conferences have already chosen Chongqing as a venue for their events and soon we will see even more of those events coming here especially after the expansion and modernization of the international airport as it will give better and more convenient connections to the city.

The whole project in its global reach will improve its ability to meet the needs of the business travel and MICE markets. It will significantly impact the development of the hospitality industry and in particular the five-star hotel market segment, which is rapidly growing with most of the well-known and well established brands already settled in Chongqing and others are due to arrive soon.

As part of one of the global industry's leading and most successful brands, the Hilton Chongqing pioneered the corporate culture and brand philosophy in Chongqing. It has made a significant contribution to the local industry and aims to continue in provide the best service and competitive products to its business-traveling customers and MICE as well as the group tourism and leisure traveler.

Chongqing is one of the major business centers in southwest China, what advantages does it bring to the Hilton Chongqing business and MICE facilities?
In today's competitive and dynamic hotel industry, the winners will not necessarily be the ones with the bigger business and MICE facilities. The Hilton Chongqing can pride itself in offering a well designed " One-stop professional and intimate business service” and it devote itself to build the best conference and banqueting and meeting group in the city. Our well mature hardware and conference center will attract a demanding and highly professional clientele who demands high quality service and a personalized "Guests Experience”, a dedicated and well-trained work force as well as creative and efficient managers.

What urgent problems do you think you would need to resolve in 2011?
The boom in five-star hotels in Chongqing is representative of the economic progress of the city. The Hilton Chongqing has been able to maintain its position in the industry due to its unparalleled operating performance and reputation as a world-renowned hotel brand. Nevertheless, in the face of stiff competition the Hilton Chongqing is planning to renew several of its facilities in 2011 and update its hardware as well as providing more choices for the discerning business and leisure travelers.

Chongqing is famous in China for its characteristic cuisine, how do you manage your hotel food and catering service to compete with the popular local cuisine?
As an international brand, the Hilton Chongqing has a duty to provide a diversified and wide range of cuisines to satisfy the taste of all its customers whichever national or international. The hotel has four restaurants, a lounge, and a bar. It is possible to find food ranging from local Chongqoing specialties, to Cantonese cuisine and a large range of international cuisines. The hotel caters for a great number of weddings, conferences and business meetings and adapts the food to specific requests and taste of its customers as much as possible.

How do you reconcile your French background and working for an American brand with Chongqing's local characterics?
When you live in a country with a different culture and way of dealing with things, there will always be some distinctions. There is a good balance in everything and difference is not excluded from the equation. When dealing with a different situation, I would always listen the advice and opinion of the local people and member of the staff, as they for sure know the local customs and habits well and will always provide the best insight. I do promote difference as it is good and enriching for everybody but I do also maintain the principle of management and constantly carry the Hilton core values and integrity in all my dealings whilst taking some aspects from the local culture. Europeans and specially French are direct and outspoken kind of people, Asians are more reserved, therefore, I will always look to find the right balance and communicate clearly for comfortable and fruitful encounters with others as it is the key to connecting and building relationship that are based on trust and respect.

What corporate social responsibility programs will the Hilton Chongqing have in 2011?
In 2010 we started to go to the Chongqing Children's Welfare Institute during the Mid-autumn Festival and in 2011 for the Spring Festival just before the Chinese New Year to bring some hope and warmth for the Year of the Rabbit. We will go back in June for "Children's Day" and again for the Mid-autumn Day. We dedicate ourselves giving as much love and attention to the orphans and disabled children as possible and show our support to the social welfare system.

Also, Hilton has the great reputation of being one of the best schools in the hotel industry and with the collaboration of the Children's Welfare Institute, we have already open the possibility to offer some job opportunities to the children who would be interested in learning this profession. That way, we are hoping to give a chance to orphans and the disabled to get a job and have a place in our society.


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