Beijing, China, June 12, 2018 /Isentia Wire/ - China Money Network, a leading professional investment and technology media and data company, today proudly presents the launch of China AI Top 50.
A list of 50 leading Chinese artificial intelligence companies, accompanied by a research report based on proprietary data collated by China Money Network, will be released at the World Economic Forum 2018 Annual Meeting of the New Champions in Tianjin, China, 18-20 September, in front of top-level global government officials, influential business leaders and international media organizations.
"As China Money Network tracks China's technology and venture capital industry everyday, we have accumulated tens of thousands of data points within the Chinese AI industry," says Nina Xiang, founder of China Money Network. "As professionals around the world thirst for real knowledge and local insights on the Chinese AI sector, China Money Network is well positioned to provide the most thoroughly researched literature and data on this topic."
China AI Top 50 will be the first of its kind and China Money Network will conduct and collect core data points, supervise site visits and execute face-to-face interviews to analyze the country's leading artificial intelligence companies in a thorough, in-depth and fact-based thought leadership report.
The list and report will shed light on the Chinese AI industry, which has increasingly become a sensitive topic as trade conflicts between China and the United States appears to escalate.
China Money Network today invites all Chinese artificial intelligence companies to participate in an exclusive online survey to be shortlisted for this esteemed list.
Companies can complete the 10-minute online survey by clicking this link:
The deadline to complete the online survey is July 12, 2018.
Companies will be measured based on factors including their core technology, R&D capabilities, business fundamentals, team strength and potential prospects. The China Money Network Research team will then conduct follow-up meetings and interviews to verify facts and gain additional insights from management teams.
"Don’t miss out on this exclusive invitation to enter or nominate for this distinguished listing on the Chinese AI industry," said Naveet McMahon, co-founder and managing partner of China Money Network. "I have no doubt that China AI Top 50 will become the who’s who listing for 2018 on the most valuable sector in the world's second largest economy."
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About China Money Network:
China Money Network is a leading professional investment and technology media and data company. Founded in 2012 and based in Hong Kong, CMN hosts an AI-based bilingual platform that follows China’s smart investments and technology innovation every day. The professional team of China Money Network has more than 60 years of combined experience in professional media sectors, with members coming from the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, Financial Times, Haymarket Group and Acuris.
Millions of professionals globally rely on CMN specialist news, analysis, research and data to take the business pulse of China by following daily/weekly trends, expert network events, exclusive company rankings, customized thought leadership research, subscription-based digital services.
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