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Why Are Some Of Our Best Leaders Hiding In Plain Sight And How Can We Help Them Improve Collaboration In Their Schools?

A new Book "Hidden In Plain Sight" by Michael Iannini explores the best ways for schools in the 21st century to improve student learning by strengthening their core.

Hong Kong, January 23, 2020 / - Too often middle leaders in educational organizations are stuck in an imaginary zone that feels like Middle Earth. In Michael Iannini’s new bestselling book “Hidden In Plain Sight: Realizing The Full Potential Of Middle Leaders”, he breaks open the doors for middle leaders to succeed by achieving a shared purpose that will improve student learning by raising the standard of teaching across the school.

“Working interdependently doesn’t happen because we label a team a learning community or administratively mandate professional learning with fixed schedules and objectives,” says Michael. “Getting teams to work interdependently requires empowered middle leaders. This book will help senior leaders empower middle leaders to take ownership of school change initiatives, by: understanding how to select middle leaders, differentiating expectations for middle leaders, and identifying the skills and knowledge middle leaders need to lead change. Middle leaders will learn how to advocate for themselves and their team, by understanding how their role changes as the team develops, establishing a clear purpose and goals, and harnessing conflict to innovate.”

“Hidden In Plain Sight” is a valuable learning tool for every educator. With a foreword written by ACAMIS’s Executive Director Tom Ulmet, this is a book that can improve middle leadership in any school. Go to to read excerpts from the book and access video tutorials facilitated by Michael. Get a copy of the book on by searching for Michael Iannini or using this ASIN Code: B082YHKTKN

Michael Iannini is a Council of International Schools affiliated consultant with the following areas of expertise: Appraisal and professional development, Leadership training, School governance and Strategic planning. Michael also serves as the contracted PD Coordinator for the Association of China and Mongolia International Schools (ACAMIS). His journey in education began 24 years ago as a research assistant at Arizona State University’s Child Development Laboratory, where he honed his talent for developmental education. Since moving to China in 1999, Michael has advised the Boards and Senior Leadership of a number of Not-for-Profit Organizations, International Schools, and Chinese Bilingual schools on how to develop curriculum, train teachers, create parent engagement strategies, and devise staff capacity building strategies. His exhaustive efforts have helped nurture a long and mutually beneficial relationship with ACAMIS’ network of schools (, where he has served as ACAMIS’s contracted PD Coordinator for over 8 years.

As a consultant, Michael’s main focus is helping schools engage with their community and improve student learning by improving collaboration and organizational management. His diverse work experience (which spans the United States, China and all of East and South East Asia) has given him the ability to satisfy the needs of diverse stakeholders, improve cross-cultural leadership skills and establish effective communication strategies.

More information is available at

The press release Why Are Some Of Our Best Leaders Hiding In Plain Sight And How Can We Help Them Improve Collaboration In Their Schools? comes from press release distribution and journalist media database service in China.

Source: adminniki
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